This morning, I woke up with a loaded head where you could find zero strand of easiness in it. Dark circles under my eyes, dehydrated face, furrowed eyes and an extensive stress look made a hideous me.
This moment, I couldn't find a word to describe the sense of relaxation that ran through the nerves all over my body. The burden was out of my shoulder the second I handled that piece of sheet to the examiner. How glad!!! The exhaustion and tiredness vanished together with the last count of exam time.
A break finally arrived at my doorstep which set me free to the open air. The air is fresher, the wind is soothing and everything has never been felt so right at this time. This is the end of my fifth semester bringing about the beginning of my free days! Taking a deep breath, figure out what I want to do next is exhilarating! Well, I have just hang out with my dear coursemates for supper simply to recharge our all-too-drained system. Everyone wears a big wide smile, all natural and happiness swells.
What's coming up next is yet to be planned...
It has been a long long night. Tonight, I can pretty sure I can sleep well. No more insomnia!
happy holiday!!!!