Sunday, June 28, 2009

Good Bye my little one...

My heart sank when I first saw the cold body of the little puppy laid frozen under a tree. I couldn't believe what I had seen in that early morning. It was the first thing I wished not to see once I opened my eyes. Yesterday, I still saw it running here and there around my house and welcoming me back with a smiley face. Now, everything had just vanished following its death.

Weeks ago, I had been bathing and playing with it and it did tailed me wherever I went. It would wag its tail whenever it saw me. What a cute little one! It also had been my Bobby good companion all the time. Now all that had just turned into my fond memories.

Before that, he always lurking around the neighborhood and loved by everyone. The aunt opposite my house always gave him some foods to eat too. Sigh..... now I starting to miss it already. Pictures of him keep flashing back like some kind of video clips in my mind.

And yet I have to accept the truth that I have lost it. This had caused me depressed for few days. Nevertheless, life have to go on as usual. What I can do now is appreciating everything around me especially my lovely Bobby that still alive.(touch wood...)

Little one..... I will never forget those memorable moments you have brought into my life.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Happy 21st Birthday!

Haha! Cant believe I have been lived in this world for 21 years. I have entered another stage of life becoming an adult. Hmm.. Somes may say I have not mentally grown up as others' saying that I am still childish. Am I??? Well, it's up to you. I dont really mind about that as long as I have been lived happily all these days. 'Happy go lucky'--My slogan! haha..

I celebrated my birthday together with Agnes earlier last week with all my fellow friends in form 6. Half of us had turned up in this shabu-shabu gathering. We enjoy our steamboat dinner here and some of us create some new recipes of their owns which better not to comment on the tastes. haha, we really have fun though. This time, yoon ming acted as the photographer and treasurer. Busy taking pictures at every single moment and collects money from us at the end of the dinner. To my surprise, he loomed out with a birthday cake before we left while I thought he went to the toilet according to Melia's saying earlier without any doubt. Again, candles blowing and photography sessions took over next. My dear classmates, really feel grateful and glad to have known you all. Especially Melia--for every single things that you have done for us so far.(from organizing, gathering, collecting ideas, confirming our attendance... and many many more).

Which hand is mine and which hand is Agnes???

My second celebration was with my family members in which we went out for dinner and candles blowing afterwads before 12am. Kin yang--sorry for making you waited so long outside and thanks for your present. Really surprise to have seen you that night. I never imagined you would be there!
The cake that takes days to be finished....

The third celebration was with my relatives and my dearest godmother on Sunday. Thay came to my house in the afternoon and we non-stop chit chating until the time we had our steamboat dinner at night. The noise that arised from my house was comparable to the night market. It's normal thing to happen as it has been quite a long while we dont meet each other.

To my parents--no words that I can say to express my appreciation for the cares you have poured on me. I cant be as good as what I am now without you.
Happy Fathers' Day DAD!!!